What is MaturityWorks?
MaturityWorks is a training program that helps people, age 55 and older, increase their job skills through paid community service in local non-profit organizations. MaturityWorks matches eligible older job seekers with local nonprofits and public agencies so they can increase skills and build self-confidence, while earning a modest income. Based on their employment interests and goals, participants may also receive supportive services and skills training. The MaturityWorks experience frequently leads to permanent employment.
Looking to become a participant?
Expand your job skills and get ready to re-enter the workforce. MaturityWorks has helped older Americans 55+ with opportunities to fill entry- and mid-level positions with employers in their local communities. We have has successfully moved hundreds of older job seekers into jobs–providing them with opportunities to use their skills while also offering valuable work experience.
How does it work?
Working an average of 20 hours a week, older job seekers are paid the highest of federal, state or local minimum wage and are compensated by MaturityWorks directly. The job seekers are placed in a wide variety of community service activities at non-profit and public facilities. This on-the-job training experience can then be used as a bridge to find employment opportunities outside of the program. Participants will be matched with training assignments that fit their unique skill set, schedule, and training needs. While in the program receive support to secure employment.
You can receive
- Paid training
- Assisted job search
- Job placement assistance
- Support services
To be eligible for MaturityWorks, you must:
- Be unemployed
- 55 or older
- Meet family income guidelines
Community partner opportunities, become a Host Agency.
Strengthen your community programs. Public and nonprofit organizations benefit from an expanded workforce that gives them the opportunity to improve services through association with MaturityWorks. Program participants normally perform a variety of tasks that may not be accomplished because of a gap in funding or other challenges. Experience is an asset.
Through MaturityWorks job seekers can be placed in a wide variety of positions. These positions are training assignments designed to provide the skills and experience to obtain future employment, but at the same time provides no cost labor for the local organizations. The host agency is typically any 501(c)(3) non-profit agency, community-based organization or government agency. Host agencies are instrumental to providing a realistic work environment and the opportunity to gain knowledge and feedback that will help job seekers become successful in the long-term.
Expand the capacity of your non-profit. MaturityWorks provides talented, hardworking workers to our host agencies. Together, we can offer opportunities that improve employment opportunities as we expand service in the community.
For more information on becoming a Host Agency contact
Toll-free 1-866-683-1682
The total cost of the Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP) is $13,071,445.56. $11,764,301 (90%) is funded through a U.S. Department of Labor grant. The other $1,307,144.56 (10%) is funded through non-Federal resources.
The WorkPlace’s MaturityWorks Program
Watch this Ted Talk which explains the importance of older workers.