Your Donation Makes A DifferenceMake a gift to the workplace
By Using Your Credit Card!

By Enrolling In Coin Up!

Donate your spare change to The WorkPlace with the Coin Up App! Download the free app, select “The WorkPlace”, link your bank card and set a monthly limit. Watch spare change from everyday purchases make BIG CHANGE for The WorkPlace!
Your Support Helps Us Build a Better Workforce
Education and workforce training are essential components to a thriving economy that benefits both workers and employers. The WorkPlace provides innovative solutions to current workforce challenges that change the lives of those needing and preparing for sustainable careers. We’re workforce leaders in the region because we know what employers need and build our programs to ensure our participants have the skills to be competitive candidates.
Public Job Training Funds Do Not Meet All of the Ever- Changing Needs of Our Community.
The WorkPlace looks for private investment in the state’s workforce and finds ways to leverage these private contributions and grants. Private contributions enable us to serve more people and to create innovative new programs to meet changing needs.
Contributions can be made to support these programs or other areas of specific interest. The WorkPlace is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization and all donations are 100% tax-deductible.

5 Excellent Reasons to Support The WorkPlace
Your donation improves the quality of education and work readiness each jobseeker receives
Your financial support supplements public job training funds and helps us meet the ever growing demand
Your donation helps economically disadvantaged individuals find and maintain employment
Contributions are tax-deductible. Your gift impacts the effectiveness of The WorkPlace and can reduce your tax liability.
Every gift matters, no matter the size. Corporations and foundations often look to the number of individual donors in making decisions about support of The WorkPlace.
Corporate & Foundation Donors
The WorkPlace gratefully acknowledges these supporters, and encourages you to learn more about them by clicking each link.
Bank of America Foundation
BIC Corporation
Bridgeport Rotary Club Foundation
Citi Foundation
Citizens Bank Foundation
Connecticut Community Bank
David & Eunice Bigelow Foundation
Edward S. Moore Family Foundation
The Elfun Society
Ernest & Joan Trefz Foundation
Fairfield County’s Community Foundation
Fairfield Rotary Club
First County Bank Foundation, Inc.
First Niagara Bank Foundation
Frederick A. DeLuca Foundation
Gateway Community College Foundation
GE Corporate
George & Grace Long Foundation
Inner City Foundation for Charity & Education
JPMorgan Chase Foundation
Katharine Matthies Foundation
Key Bank
M&T Bank Foundation
McMahon Ventures
Microboard Processing, Inc.
Near & Far Aid
New Canaan Community Foundation
New Canaan Newcomer’s Club
Newman’s Own Foundation
Newtown Savings Bank
Oaklawn Foundation
People’s United Bank
People’s United Community Foundation
Pitney Bowes
Pitney Bowes Foundation
RC Bigelow, Inc
Synchrony Financial
TD Charitable Foundation
The Burroughs Fund
Thomson Reuters
United Illuminating / AVAGRID
Valley Community Foundation
Webster Bank Foundation
Wells Fargo Foundation
Westport Young Woman’s League
Xerox Foundation
United Way
YWL of New Canaan, Inc.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. What Does Donating Online Offer Me?
A.Making your gift online is a secure and convenient way to support The WorkPlace and reduce our fundraising costs. By donating with your credit card, you can use your statement as a receipt for tax purposes, earn credit card rewards, save time and avoid postage.
Q. How Does Online Donation Work?
A.Simply fill out all the fields on our secure donation form, click “Submit,” and your donation will be processed immediately. A printable summary of the donation will appear on the screen, and you will be emailed an acknowledgement.
Q. Will I Receive A Receipt?
A.Yes. We will email you an acknowledgement for your records, and if you prefer a hard-copy acknowledgement, please let us know. Additionally, you can print the authorization information on the final screen after making your donation, and the donation will appear on your credit card statement.
Q. When Will My Credit Card Be Charged?
A.We use a real-time authorization service for donations, so a charge will appear on your account within 24 hours.
We’re here to help!
For assistance in making a one-time or recurring contribution over the phone,
learning more about supporting our various programs,
or guidance in arranging a planned gift or estate bequest to The WorkPlace, please contact:
Jonathan Lee, Director of Development
(203) 418-2512